Dramatic Play in Outdoor Environments

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Now the summer is upon us and hopefully the sun will shine at some point!

It’s time to get children outside, play time is fun, but it’s also an important part of any child development; by sharing their pretend stories through
speech and body language, children learn to understand the world around them. Children learn best not when they are told, but when they can act upon
their environments and construct knowledge for themselves. They do this best through play!

Most children love to play outdoors, but sometimes they need a helping hand with ideas to get them started. Enjoy our collection of tried and tested games
below. Also the website notonthehighstreet.com has a wonderful selection of tent, dens
and wigwams to enhance any child’s fun outside

Beanbag Cross Challenge

This is a great game for a large gathering of children – you need at least a team of 8, a fairly large space and a means of marking the ground. A good
test of concentration and skill!

Hold A Boat Race

Make your own boats and sail them in the paddling pool!

Capture The Flag

You will need a large group of children and a large space, too, but if you have both, this is a favourite game for all ages.


A popular tag game, you will need a large space to play freeze.

Hopping Chicken

An energetic game for two or more players. It can be played indoors or out.

Hunter and Guard

A super game for whiling away a summer afternoon in the park with a group of friends.

Red Light Green Light

A game which suits kids of all ages, for which you will need a large space.

You can use it with younger children to reinforce the concept of “red is for stop” and “green is for go”.

Simple Treasure Hunt

This is perfect for very young children and, although it can be played indoors, is best in the garden Spider and flies A game of tag with a difference!


Everybody knows the rules of tag!

What’s The Time Mr Wolf

Best with a group of fairly young children – say 5-8 years old – this has been a firm favourite with children for many years.

Or just build a den, make a dam, create a shop outside or hide away in a tree house!

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